Tuesday, January 28, 2020
A Review of Literature of Erosion of Soils
A Review of Literature of Erosion of Soils Introduction Numerous work and research have been undertaken on erosion of soils for many decades. The following literature review is focusing on the relevant topics in terms of soil erosion process as well as the parameters and factors of soil erosion .Moreover, the literature reviews is primarily focusing on the management and control the soil erosion. 1 Soil Erosion by Water To perform this study, it was necessary to understand how soil erosion occurs. Usually it occurs at a low level but can become a problem when the ecological balance disturbed by humans activities or severe weather .The risk of erosion by water when soils with a high sand or silt content that exposed to heavy rainfall. (Defray 2005). It is crucial that considering rainfall and runoff factors when assessing a water erosion problem (BC.S.Baldwin 2003) .Although the soil erosion caused by long-lasting or less-intense rainfall is not as spectacular .But soil movement by rainfall is most noticeable during the short-time, high-intensity thunderstorms and the amount of soil loss can be considerably, especially when compounded over time. While the excess water on a slope that cannot be absorbed into the soil or trapped on the surface, the runoff will occur. The amount of runoff can be increased if infiltration is reduced due to soil compaction. (BC.S.Baldwin 2003) Two stages process involved in the soil erosion, which depend on water detaching and transporting soil. Rainsplash is a key determinant of detachment of soil particles in the first stage of erosion. However, if a growing crop covers the soil surface, the erosive power of rain will dramatically reduced. Once it detached, surface water run off plays a key role in the process of soil particles being transported. Surface run-off can be easily happening during the heavy storms or prolonged rainfall. (BC.S.Baldwin 2003) Tess Wynn investigated the streambank retreat. Normally it is called streambank erosion, the occurrences involved the combination of three processes, subaerial process, fluvial entrainment and mass wasting. Specifically. The term ââ¬Å"subaerial processâ⬠is used to describe the climate- related phenomena that reduce the strength of soil .It mainly controlled by climatic conditions, and overly independent of flow. Subaerial processed are often called ââ¬Å"preparatory processesâ⬠due to they increase the susceptibility of soil to erosion at high flows (Wolman, 1959;Lawler, 1993) Apparently. Fluvial entrainment means the direct removal of soil particles or aggregates from the streambed or banks by flowing water. (Tess Wynn 2006), but the fluvial erosion of cohesive soils is extremely complex and related to soil properties and test conditions (Grissinger, 1982). The susceptibility of a cohesive soil to erosion influenced by numerous of the parameters of soil, including grain size distribution, soil density, pore water content and chemistry (Grissinger, 1982) Mass wasting also known as bank failure, it occurs when the weight of the bank exceeds the shear strength of soil. The mass wasting can be attributed to increasing the bank height or bank angel due to fluvial erosion or the presence of tension cracks (ASCE, 1998).Research has proved that bank geometry, properties of bank materials and the density and the type of bank vegetation play the key role the occurrence of mass wasting. Hu Liu, Theodore G. Cleveland, and Keh Han Wang conducted the laboratory tests of dependence on properties of soils and. In their study, rainfall was generated by the rainfall simulator; along with flume .The rainfall simulator consist of a wooden frame and a group of PVC pipes with small holes. The soil sample was placed at one end of the flume .In the experiment, the simulator activated by the adjustment of the slope. In addition, six type of soil with different texture and classifications used in this laboratory experiments. The results show more soil erosion produced by the higher rainfall intensity. Besides, the unit soil volume loss affected by shear strength, compressive strength and rainfall intensities but less influenced by the bed slope. (Hu Liu, Theodore G. Cleveland, and Keh Han Wang, 1999) Jill Fernqvist and Ida Florberger conducted their research in South Africa .Their study indicated the fires are one the important factor that changes the soil properties .their study has been taken in the Western Cape,. The fieldwork focused on water repellency has detrimental influence upon the post-fire erosion Jill Fernqvist and Ida Florberger(2003) 2 Soil Erodibility Soil erodibility is an estimate of the ability of soils to resist erosion in term of the physical characteristics of soil. Generally, the faster infiltration rates of soil, the higher levels of organic matter and improved soil structure have a greater resistance to erosion silt, very fine sand, and certain clay textured soils tend to be more erodible than Sand, sandy loam and loam textured soils cropping practices which lower soil organic matter levels, cause poor soil structure, and result of compacted contribute to increases in soil erodibility. Compacted subsurface soil layers result in decreased infiltration and increased runoff. A formation of a soil crust, can create the decreased of infiltration, however, normally the growth of runoff water is attended by the greater soil erosion problems. (BC.S.Baldwin 2003) There is a definite link between Past erosion and soils. The original soils tend to be less erodible than the exposed subsurface soils on eroded sites were, owing to their lower organic matter or poorer structure .The lower nutrient levels usually related with subsoils contribute to lower crop yields and generally poorer crop cover, which in turn provides less crop protection for the soil. (BC.S.Baldwin 2003) Gregory J. Hanson provided the complex problem about how to predict the erodibilty of soil material by flowing water. Base on the knowledge of hydraulic characteristics and the characteristics of cohesive soils .Laboratory Jet tests were carried out on soil samples compacted at different moisture content dynamic. Jet detection apparatus and method description of the excess stress parameters determined kd and tc. An example of this is used to test the soil in the laboratory to determine the appropriate placement in the field. The flume tests and field trials were carried out to verify the plane corrosion. (Gregory J.2002) 3 Slope Gradients and Length Basically. The steeper slope areas, the greater amount of soil erosion by water.Soil erosion of water also increased with slope length due to the greater accumulation of runoff. The consolidation of small fields into larger results is often no longer the slope length of the potential for erosion, because water with an increase rate that allows a greater degree of scouring (carrying capacity of the sediment) (BC.S.Baldwin 2003) 4 Soil Deposition Soil particles of all sizes may be moved during run-off. When flow stopped, these start to settle. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), sediment is a root cause of water quality impairment (USEPA, 2002).excess Suspended sediments to reduce diversity and rich of aquatic organisms, reduce reservoir capacity, improve drinking water treatment costs, and serve as a carrier of pollutants.(Tess Wynn,2006) The erosion process of cohesive sediment was studied in Masato Sekine and Nobuaki Iizuka study .To full understand the process, they also conduct an experiment .Clay mixed with different compositions were used to test samples of the form of erosion of water pipes in a closed experimental apparatus. Specifically .Experiments carried out a square circle closed pipeline system cross-section 400 centimeters in length and 10 centimeters wide, 10 centimeters deep. 5 Vegetation The potential of soil erosion is increased, if the soil with little or no vegetation, plants and crop residues. Residue cover to protect plants and soil from rain splash, tends to slow down surface runoff flows, and ensures excess surface water infiltration. Erosion soils reducing the efficiency of the plant or residue cover depends on the category, degree and quantity of cover. Combination of vegetation and residue completely covered the soil, and to intercept all falling raindrops, and near the surface and the most effective control of soil (such as forests, permanent grassland). Part into the residue and the root is also very important because they provide the channel that allows surface water into the soil. The effectiveness of any crop, management system or protective cover also depends on how much protection can be at different times during the year, the relative amount of erosive rainfall during these periods belong to. In this aspect , the crops with food, protective cover a major part of the year (for example, alfalfa or winter cover crops) can reduce soil erosion can be far more than crops leave the soil bare for a longer period of time (such as row crops) , especially during the high erosive rainfall (spring and summer).( C.S.Baldwin 2003) I.J. Shelton also investigated tillage operations influence upon the soil erosion, which depending on the depth, direction and timing of the plowing, the types of farming equipment and a number of passes. Generally speaking, the less interference or residual vegetation cover at or near the surface, the more efficient farming practices, and reduce soil erosion (I.J. Shelton 2003) Soil erosion potential is affected by tillage operations, depending on the depth, direction and timing of plowing, the type of tillage equipment and the number of passes. Generally, the less the disturbance of vegetation or residue cover at or near the surface, the more effective the tillage practice in reducing erosion. Regarding the effects of vegetation on streambank stability , Tess Wynn examined the vegetation influences the chemical and properties of steambanks and the local micro climate .The multiple effects on subaerial process produced by riparian vegetation including the dense cover of vegetation absorbs the energy of rainfall ,reducing soil detachment by raindrop . But it should be noted that the effects of vegetation on stream hydraulic varies with the stream stage, width and season. Additionally. Distribution of energy and sediment in a stream influenced by the vegetation. (Tess Wynn 2006) Tess Wynn 2006 addressed the vegetation cover problem. Extensive erosion by wind may result from the lack of permanent vegetation cover in certain locations. Loose, dry, bare soil is the most susceptible; however, crops that produce low levels of residue also may not provide enough resistance. Besides, crops that produce a lot of residue which not protect the soil in severe conditions. Therefore, an adequate network of living windbreaks along with good tillage, residue management, and crop selection are considered to be the most effective vegetative cover for protection. (Tess Wynn 2006) South Africa is a country which lack of the water, but the Jill Fernqvist and Ida Florberger have described the theory of fire -induced water repellency and the following soil erosion in their study. Generally, In South Africa, alien species require more water than the indigenous one. Therefore, alien vegetation provides a poor ground cover compared to the indigenous vegetation, which could result in surface run off and soil erosion (.Jill Fernqvist and Ida Florberger 1996). Jill Fernqvist and Ida Florberger observed the Alien vegetation apparently has been considered as a key issue in the ecosystem of Western Cape. Water yield was decreased in the long term due to the alien vegetation consume a large amount of water, as a result, the biodiversity is threatened. In addition, fire in the alien vegetation for the results of erosion-prone slopes. (Jill Fernqvist and Ida Florberger, 2003) Defra (2005) summarized the Management Practices using Vegetables and Salad Crops in soil erosion Control. And offered some solutions to prevent the soil erosion when undertaking the cultivations, irrigation and harvest. (Defra 2005) 6 Soil Erosion by Wind Soil is also erosion by wind, although the effect is not noticeable like the erosion by water. C.S.Baldwin studied the rate and magnitude of soil erosion by wind is decided by many factors: Erodibility of Soil The wind suspends very fine particles and then transported great distances. Fine and medium size particles can be lifted and deposited by wind. While coarse particles can be blown along the surface (commonly known as the saltation effect). Soil Surface Roughness Soil surfaces only provide little resistance to the wind. However, ridges can be filled in and the roughness broken down by abrasion to produce a smoother surface susceptible to the wind in a long time. Excess tillage is a threat to soil, because it breakdown the soil structure and increased erosion. Climate There is a define link between the speed and duration of the wind and extent of soil erosion. The levels of Soil moisture can be very slightly low at the surface of excessively drained soils or during periods of dro ught, and releasing the particles for transport by wind. It occurs in freeze drying of the surface in winter. Adverse operating conditions maybe created by wind erosion in the field. Crops can be completely ruined so that costly delay and reseeding is necessary (C.S.Baldwin 2003) 7 Effects of Soil Erosion The negative changes from bank erosion including farmland productivity losses, damage to building structures such as bridges, roads etc. I.J. Shelton defined the on-site effects and off-site effects. On-site effects mean extension of the elimination of the impact of soil erosion of valuable topsoil. Crop emergence, growth and yield a direct impact on the loss of, natural and applied fertilizer and soil nutrients. Seeds and plants may interfere with or completely abolish the erosion site. Organic matter in soil, residues and any applicable fertilizer, a relatively light weight, can be transported off-site, especially in the spring thaw conditions. While the off-site effect is not always obvious as on-site effects, but Eroded soil, deposited down slope can inhibit or delay the emergence of the seed, bury small seedling, need to replant in the affected areas. Soil quality, structure, stability and texture can be affected by the loss of soil. The breakdown of aggregates and the removal o f smaller particles or entire layers of soil or organic matter can weaken the structure and even change the texture. Textural changes can in turn affect the water-holding capacity of the soil, making it more susceptible to extreme condition such a drought. (I.J. Shelton 2003) According to the C.S.Baldwin (2003), Sediment can contribute to road damage, accelerate bank erosion, and reduce downstream water quality. What is worse, Pesticides, and fertilizers, which contained in the soils. They frequently transported with eroded soil pollution or contamination of water downstream and entertainment district. 8 Conservation Measures While, based upon research, various conservation measures can be taken to reduce soil erosion by both water and wind. Tillage, cropping practices, and land management practices, have a direct impact on the overall soil erosion problem and solutions to a farm. When crop rotations or changing tillage practices are not enough areas where erosion control method or a combination of more extreme measures may be necessary. For example, contour plowing, strip cropping, or terracing may be considered. (C.S.Baldwin 2003) The defra (2005) advised measures about how to control the soil erosion. In their study, four categories of solution were presented. It is crucial to understand that erosion control on susceptible soil types can be successfully achieved to reduce the impact of rainfall erosion and maintain soil infiltration rate, so that the surface flow are avoided. It can be achieved by 1 To protect the soil from rainfall impact, whether it is permanent vegetation cover or land rotation, timely crop establishment and retention of surface crop residues. 2 Avoiding smooth, flat finishes to exposed field surfaces, so that good water seepage rates remain unchanged. 3 Avoiding tramlines, wheeling or cultivation features that can channel surface flow. 4 Seeking to increase the organic matter content in the means of improving the stability of the soil in the longer term. Steep slope and erosion because of increased risk, the efficiency of these measures is becoming increasingly important. When deciding on the combination of measures to apply in any particular situation, consideration should always be the serious erosion that may occur, if the case happened. In some cases, a measure aimed at controlling erosion may increase. For example, work along the contour is sometimes used to reduce runoff, but if the profile is not strictly followed, the accumulation of water at low points which might break over the cultivation features. (Defra 2005) Meanwhile, good management practices play a pivotal role in the control of soil erosion. Some examples and considerations were presented in defra (2005) study. In order to minimize the soil erosion when soil in the most vulnerable condition, the different type and timing of cultivations should be planned. Obviously, the overall aim should be the soil maintain in a less vulnerable condition as long as possible .Therefore, defra (2005) provided the good management of the farm to reduce erosion risks in terms of seedbed preparation, directions of cultivations and irrigation. 9 Conclusion Soil erosion is a natural and slow process. It has the detrimental effect on the environmental. Normally the agents of soil erosion are water and wind, the soil erosion is affected by many factors .But soil erosion could be effectively controlled and minimized by taken appropriate measures. References Abernethy, B. and I. D. Rutherfurd. 1998. Where along a rivers length will vegetation most effectively stabilize stream banks? Geomorphology. 23(1):55-75 ASCE. 1998. River width adjustment. I: Processes and mechanisms. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 124(9):881-902. Coppin, N. J. and I. G. Richards. 1990. Use of Vegetation in Civil Engineering. Butterworths.London Department for environment food and rural affairs .2005 .Controlling soil erosion, Defra Publications, London. G.J.de Boer .2002.on the consolidation and erosion of cohesive sediments.Deflt University of Technology .Civil Engineering and Geosciences G. Wall, C.S. Baldwin and I.J. Shelton. 2003. Soil Erosion Causes and Effects .Face Sheet.Queen`s print for Ontario Jill Fernqvist, Ida Florberger 2003. Fire and post-fire soil erosion in the Western Cape, South Africa: Field observations and management practices. Committee of Tropical Ecology, Uppsala University, Sweden. Tess Wynn.2006. Streambank Retreat: A Primer. Vol. 4, No.1 January March 2006. Watershed Update Thorne, C. R. and N. K. Tovey. 1981. Stability of composite river banks. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 6(5):469-484
Monday, January 20, 2020
A Story in Technicolor :: Short Story Creative Writing
A Story in Technicolor Standing waist-deep in saw grass, a flawless graysky framing an unrealscene where river and reeds become indistinguishable,Karen gazed unimpressed. The sublime natureof this ecological experience bordering so unbelievably close to herown urban existence did not seep into her mind or psyche. Perhaps the seven applications of gel she had put on her hair that morning in order to prevent as much frizziness as possible was impeding the correct reaction, but that's not likely. Much more probable is the inference that Karen was not an outdoors type of person, in fact, only the most serenely beautiful sunsets ever tempted her to hike outside, and the Everglades with its apparently monotonous landscape was not making even a dent of an impression. Not to mention that it was raining, ruthlessly pouring down on her and the rest of her class, making her gel effort of the morning practically useless. She wasn't even really standing in the saw grass; it felt more like she was imperceptibly sinking into the mucky bottom. Sure, she might imagine that she could move around on the spongy surface but, in truth, she knew that if she remained immobile for more than a minute, the earth would commence to slowly swallow her, drowning her inch by inch. She moved around uncomfortably. Always acutely aware of her lack of balance, ever since a ballet teacher had pointed it out to her, Karen now felt as if her woman-child inadequacies were on full display. Her eyes darted sloppily around to see if anyone noticed her ineptitude in the new terrain and quickly looked down as she realized they were all too enthralled in their own conversations and eloquated experiences of nature to pay any mind to her. "Isn't this great?", she heard one girl say. "I can't believe all of this is so close to where I live and I'd never been here before. There really should be more educational awareness programs. I wonder why I was never taken on a field trip to the Everglades? Wouldn't it be challenging if our school became involved with primary schools toâ⬠¦", whether this curly-haired speaker went on a diatribe in response to the first girl's remark or simply for the sake of talking was beyond Karen. She lost interest rather quickly in their conversation and rather unstealthfully moved away from them, refusing to hear the rest of the genuinely exciting questions and remarks.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Following Simple Instructions
This is a ten thousand word (military related) essay on the importance to follow simple instructions, the importance of non commissioned officers in the military, and why it is important to follow leadership whether u are in the military or another form of work in which u are under a form of leadership. I am writing this specific ten thousand word essay because i did not complete another ten thousand word essay in the certain amount of time i was given, over leave, that was assigned to me by my non commissioned officer. Unfortunately for the army, i am not the only one who has disobeyed his non commissioned officer in some way or another. Many privates, specialists and even non commissioned and commissioned officers have disobeyed their superior officers in some way or another. their superior officers could have ignored this transgression, they might have given them a non punitive punishment or they might have even resorted to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Thus subjecting them to the appropriate punishments, such as article 15, article 91, article 92, or even others that could be much more harmful or possibly less harmful to that private's, specialist's, non commissioned officers' or commissioned officers' payroll, family, free time or even his own freedom by sending him to a federal prison, such as Fort Levinworth. Here is one such non punitive action, an essay that maintains the title ââ¬Å"Essay on Obeyeing a Lawful Order From An NCOâ⬠, done by another, i believe to be, private; ââ¬Å"This is a 2000 word essay on the importance of obeying a lawful order from an NCO. The reason for me to be writing this essay is because I disobeyed a direct order from a senior NCO, I was told to move into the barracks by Sunday and I completely ignored this order and went along doing my own thing. It is extremely important to obey an NCO because if you donââ¬â¢t the consequences will be bad in doing so you are violating article 91 and article 92. The following is the elements of article 91 (1) Striking or assaulting warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. (a) That the accused was a warrant officer or enlisted member; (b) That the accused struck or assaulted a certain warrant, noncommissioned, or petty fficer; (c) That the striking or assault was committed while the victim was in the execution of office; and (d) That the accused then knew that the person struck or assaulted was a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. Note: If the victim was the superior noncommissioned or petty officer of the accused, add the following elements (e) That the victim was the superior noncommissioned, or petty officer of the accused; and (f) That the accused then knew that the person struck or assaulted was the accuserââ¬â¢s superior non-commissioned, or petty officer. 2) Disobeying a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. (a) That the accused was a warrant officer or enlisted member; (b) That the accused received a certain lawful order from a certain warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (c) That the accused then knew that the person giving the order was a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (d) That the accused had a duty to obey the order; and (e) That the accused willfully disobeyed the order. (3) Treating with contempt or being disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant, non-commissioned, or petty officer. a) That the accused was a warrant officer or enlisted member; (b) That the accused did or omitted certain acts, or used certain language; (c) That such behavior or language was used toward and within sight or hearing of a certain warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (d) That the accused then knew that the person toward whom the behavior or language was directed was a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (e) That the victim was then in the execution of office; and (f) That under the circumstances the accused, by such behavior or language, treated with contempt or was disrespectful to said warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. Note: If the victim was the superior noncommissioned, or petty officer of the accused, add the following elements (g) That the victim was the superior noncommissioned, or petty officer of the accused; and (h) That the accused then knew that the person toward whom the behavior or language was directed was the accuserââ¬â¢s superior noncommissioned, or petty officer. The following is an explanation of article 91 (1) In general. Article 91 has the same general objects with respect to warrant, noncommissioned, and petty officers as Articles 89 and 90 have with respect to commissioned officers, namely, to ensure obedience to their lawful orders, and to protect them from violence, insult, or disrespect. Unlike Articles 89, and 90, however, this article does not require a superior-subordinate relationship as an element of any of the offenses denounced. This article does not protect an acting noncommissioned officer or acting petty officer, nor does it protect military police or members of the shore patrol who are not warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officers. The Maximum punishment of article 91 is as follows. 1) Striking or assaulting warrant officer. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 5 years. (2) Striking or assaulting superior noncommissioned or petty officer. Dishonorable discharge, for-feature of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 3 years. (3) Strik ing or assaulting other noncommissioned or petty officer. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year. (4) Willfully disobeying the lawful order of a warrant officer. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years. (5) Willfully disobeying the lawful order of a noncommissioned or petty officer. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year. (6) Contempt or disrespect to warrant officer. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 9 months. (7) Contempt or disrespect to superior noncommissioned or petty officer. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months. (8) Contempt or disrespect to other noncommissioned or petty officer. Forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month for 3 months, and confinement for 3 months. The following is the elements of article 92 (1) Violation of or failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation. a) That there was in effect a certain lawful general order or regulation; (b) That the accused had a duty to obey it; and (c) That the accused violated or failed to obey the order or regulation. (2) Failure to obey other lawful order. (a) That a member of the armed forces issued a certain lawful order; (b) That the accused had knowled ge of the order; (c) That the accused had a duty to obey the order; and (d) That the accused failed to obey the order. (3) Dereliction in the performance of duties. (a) That the accused had certain duties; (b) That the accused knew or reasonably should have known of the duties; and (c) That the accused was (willfully) (through neglect or culpable inefficiency) derelict in the performance of those duties. The explanation of article 92 is as follows. (1) Violation of or failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation. (a) General orders or regulations are those orders or regulations generally applicable to an armed force which are properly published by the President or the Secretary of Defense, of Transportation, or of a military department, and those orders or regulations generally applicable to the command of the officer issuing them throughout the command or a particular subdivision thereof which are issued by: (I) an officer having general court-martial jurisdiction; (ii) a general or flag officer in command; or (iii) a commander superior to (I) or (ii). b) A general order or regulation issued by a commander with authority under Article 92(1) retains its character as a general order or regulation when another officer takes command, until it expires by its own terms or is rescinded by separate action, even if it is issued by an officer who is a general or flag officer in comman d and command is assumed by another officer who is not a general or flag officer. (c) A general order or regulation is lawful unless it is contrary to the Constitution, the laws of the United States, or lawful superior orders or for some other reason is beyond the authority of the official issuing it. See the discussion of lawfulness in paragraph 14a(2). (d) Knowledge. Knowledge of a general order or regulation need not be alleged or proved, as knowledge is not an element of this offense and a lack of knowledge does not constitute a defense. (e) Enforceability. Not all provisions in general orders or regulations can be enforced under Article 92(1). Regulations which only supply general guide-lines or advice for conducting military functions may not be enforceable under Article 92(1). (2) Violation of or failure to obey other lawful order. (a) Scope. Article 92(2) includes all other lawful orders which may be issued by a member of the armed forces, violations of which are not chargeable under Article 90, 91, or 92(1). It includes the violation of written regulations which are not general regulations. See also subparagraph (1)(e) above as applicable. b) Knowledge. In order to be guilty of this offense, a person must have had actual knowledge of the order or regulation. Knowledge of the order may be proved by circumstantial evidence. (c) Duty to obey order. (I) From a superior. A member of one armed force who is senior in rank to a member of another armed force is the superior of that member with authority to issue orders which that member has a duty to obey under the same circumstances as a commissioned officer of one armed force is the superior commissioned officer of a member of an-other armed force for the purposes of Articles 89, and 90. See paragraph 13c (1). (ii) From one not a superior. Failure to obey the lawful order of one not a superior is an offense under Article 92(2), provided the accused had a duty to obey the order, such as one issued by a sentinel or a member of the armed forces police. See paragraph 15b(2) , if the order was issued by a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer in the execution of office. The maximum punishment of article 92 is as follows. (1) Violation or failure to obey lawful general order or regulation. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years. (2) Violation of failure to obey other lawful order. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months. Note: For (1) and (2), above, the punishment set forth does not apply in the following cases: if in the absence of the order or regulation which was violated or not obeyed the accused would on the same facts be subject to conviction for another specific offense for which a lesser punishment is prescribed; or if the violation or failure to obey is a breach of restraint imposed as a result of an order. In these instances, the maximum punishment is that specifically prescribed else wherefore that particular offense. (3) Dereliction in the performance of duties. (A) Through neglect or culpable inefficiency. Forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month for 3 months and confinement for 3 months. (B) Willful. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months. In knowing this I will be sure not to repeat this incident I feel the biggest problem is myself I am still trying to adapt to the army life and it is getting a little easier as the days go by I really donââ¬â¢t like being the jacked up soldier and I plan on changing and I plan on doing what I am told when Iââ¬â¢m told so I can avoid getting caught up in something I cant get out of the only way I want out of the army is either with a honorable discharge or to do my time I understand that I signed a contract and raised my right hand and made an oath to my country to protect and serve no matter what the cost so I will do so by obeying all of the article to the best of my ability. I wish to pursue my Army career to the maximum amount of time possible. I hope to do at least 20 years time in service but I will most likely stay in longer. This job makes me feel proud and I really do not want to lose it. Now that I have gotten into trouble I fully understand the severity of obeying an order from the higher ups I will do my best not to get myself into this predicament again because I would rather not lose what little rank I do have I can not afford to lose that because I am struggling now trying to help my father with his financial situation and if I was to lose that Iââ¬â¢m not sure what I would do to make up that money that I would be losing as of right now E-2 base pay is 1458. 90 and E-1 pay is 1209. 0 that is a huge difference in pay that is more than a 200 dollar difference that I defiantly can not afford to lose so I will be sure to straighten out my act so I do not lose that money this will conclude my 2000 word essay. ââ¬Å"1 1. Anyomous (thou still a private i believe); http://www. allfreeessays. com/essays/Essay-Importan ce-Obeying-Lawful-Order-Nco/2492. html And I and this particular private are not the only ones. Every day we stupid, ignorant, and down right dumb privates think it is ok to, in some way disobey a non commissioned officer or another superior officer. But more often then not we are caught and punished, such as a series of long and difficult exercises or worse, being subject to Uniform Code of Military Justice and the harmful articles it entails.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Defining Macbeth in William Shakespeares Play Essay
Defining Macbeth in William Shakespeares Play The character of Macbeth is a classic example of a Shakespearean tragic hero. There are many factors, which contribute to the degeneration of Macbeth of which three will be discussed. The three points, which contribute greatly to Macbeths degeneration, are the prophecies, which were told to him by the witches, Lady Macbeths influence and manipulation of Macbeths judgment, and finally Macbeths long time ambition which drove his desire to be king. Under these influences Macbeths character degenerates from a noble, brave, loyal man to violent, murdering, tyrant individual. The prophecies, told by the witches, were one of the factors, whichâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Lady Macbeth tells her husband, When Duncan is asleep, his two chamberlains Will I with wine and wassail, so convince, When in swinish sleep Their drenched natures lie, as in a death, What cannot you and I perform upon The unguarded Duncan? Macbeth is in struggle with his conscience but is goaded by Lady Macbeth to proceed with the murder when she questions his manhood. Macbeths image of himself forces him to reply, I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more, is none As soon as Macbeth has performed the treasonous deed he immediately regrets his wrongdoing. At this point of the play the audience can note the change in Macbeths character. Macbeths first murder was a trying experience for him, however after the first murder; killing seemed to be the only solution to maintain his reign of the people of Scotland. Therefore, it was Lady Macbeth who introduced the concept of murder to Macbeth as the shortest way to obtain the crown that was prophesied by the witches. Macbeths ambition also influenced his journey form hero to villain. However, Macbeths ambition had not been strong enough for him to kill the King. He declares, I have no spur To prick the sides of my intent but only Vaulting ambition whichShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Macbeth And The Human Condition1292 Words à |à 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeareââ¬â¢s plays have been analysed and studied for hundreds of years. They are an iconic aspect of human history and are considered by many, even today, to be timeless classics. But how is it that stories written centuries ago continue to maintain so much relevance in modern society? Hello and welcome to todayââ¬â¢s public forum; Shakespeare ââ¬â its relevance in our world today. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s ability to capture the essence of the human condition, the key characteristics and ideals that composeRead MoreEvil And Evil In Macbeth908 Words à |à 4 Pagesfor them by these forces. In William Shakespeares play Macbeth, evil is the driving force that leads the play forward, and the main character Macbeth to his demise. 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